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Chapter History

On October 26, 1983, five members − Evelyn Hamilton, Beverly Long, Beverly Russell, Jacqueline Macklin and Yvonne Moss − met to discuss organizing a second graduate chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority in Dallas, Texas for the purposes of reactivating, reclaiming and retaining members in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. An invitation was extended to several inactive members to attend a “Special Invitation Only Social Affair” on Sunday, November 13, 1983, at the home of Evelyn Hamilton. Along with the invitation, a handwritten request from the hostess requested guests to keep the information “confidential.” It was at this meeting, the TIAKA (Those Interested In Alpha Kappa Alpha) Interest Group was formed.

On December 11, 1983, Dr. Mamie McKnight, South Central (SC) Regional Director, met with the 46 TIAKA members and shared the steps for chartering a chapter. The members worked tirelessly to complete the tasks and institute projects for approval of a Chapter Charter. Evelyn Hamilton was elected by the group to serve as the President of TIAKA. The other officers of the group were as follows: Beverly Long, First Vice President; Beverly Russell, Second Vice President; Brenda Lewis, Recording Secretary; Cynthia Bursey, First Assistant Secretary, Virginia Hare, Second Assistant Secretary; Yvonne Moss, Corresponding Secretary; Jacqueline Maclin, Treasurer; Pamela Lister, Reporter; Della Austin, Hostess; Serita Lattimore, Door Keeper; and, Bennie Lister, Parliamentarian.

On Saturday, June 23, 1984, Omicron Mu Omega (OMΩ) Chapter was established. The Gala Celebration was held at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel in Dallas,Texas with 43 of the 46 interest group members introduced as the newest members of Omicron Mu Omega Chapter, the 104th Graduate Chapter in the Sorority and the second Graduate Chapter in Dallas.

Several outstanding chapter programs were started In 1984 and remain in effect today. These Include:

  • Cachet Youth Group (Signature Program)

  • The Image Award Scholarship Luncheon

  • AKAlades, the Official Choral Group

  • Annual Chapter Retreat

  • Annual Reactivation Round-up

Since her Charter, Omicron Mu Omega Chapter has evolved from the forty three (43) charter members to a current membership of over 500 members. Omicron Mu Omega continues to fulfill the dream of the TIAKA Interest Group visionaries by initiating new members, while reclaiming and retaining her members. 

Charter Members

Charter 2.jpg

Arlette Smith

Audrey Scott

Bennie Lister

Bessie Faucette

Betty Young

Beverly Long

Beverly Russell

Brenda Lewis

Carol Montgomery

Catheryn Martin

Cynthia Bursey

Danette Anthony Reed

Della Austin

Evelyn Hamilton

Fawn Williams

Floristene Wilson

Gretel Floyd*

Helen Carter

Jacqueline Maclin

Janice Manous

Jeanette Rucker

Johnnie Cunningham

Linda Fitzgerald

Mable McClain*

Mary Ann Turner

Mary Sias

Marydith Lawson

Mavis Lloyd

Meridith Titus

Merriel Smith

Pamela Lister

Renae Lewis

Sandra Whitfield

Serita Lattimore

Stella McCrea

Stephanie Roberts

Thelma Lott

Tommie Polk

Tyra Vann

Virginia Hare

Wilma Davis

Yvonne Moss

Zama Claiborne

Chapter Organizers


Jacqueline Maclin, Beverly Russell, Evelyn Hamilton

Beverly Long, Yvonne Moss    

Past Chapter Presidents

Evelyn Hamilton 1984-1986

Evelyn Hamilton 1984-1986

Beverly Long 1987-1988

Beverly Long 1987-1988

Thelma Lott 1989-1990

Thelma Lott 1989-1990

Cynthia Bursey 1991–1992

Cynthia Bursey 1991–1992

Floristene Johnson 1993-1994

Floristene Johnson 1993-1994

Danette Anthony Reed 1995-1996

Danette Anthony Reed 1995-1996

Bessie Medley Davis 1997-1998

Bessie Medley Davis 1997-1998

Deardra Hayes Whigham 1999-2000

Deardra Hayes Whigham 1999-2000

Sharon Kyles Ross 2001-2002

Sharon Kyles Ross 2001-2002

Bonnie Barrett 2003-2004

Bonnie Barrett 2003-2004

Traci L. Washington 2005-2006

Traci L. Washington 2005-2006

Jacqueline Robinson 2007-2008

Jacqueline Robinson 2007-2008

Keesha M. Williams 2009-2010

Keesha M. Williams 2009-2010

Bennyfer Bridgewater 2011-2012

Bennyfer Bridgewater 2011-2012

C. Robinson-Hawkins 2013-2014

C. Robinson-Hawkins 2013-2014

Dawn Funches Allen 2015-2016

Dawn Funches Allen 2015-2016

Stephanie Johnson	2017-2018

Stephanie Johnson 2017-2018

Barbara Moham 2019-2020

Barbara Moham 2019-2020

Dannielle K. Taylor, Esq. 2021-2022

Dannielle K. Taylor, Esq. 2021-2022

LaDacher N. Jackson 2023-2024

LaDacher N. Jackson 2023-2024

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Last updated:  January 1, 2025

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